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Beacon Foundation

Grant Hutchinson of this office had the privilege of being invited along with representatives of the Beacon Foundation [Beacon], teachers, students and other business representatives to the Government House to celebrate and recognise the growth and impact of the Beacon Foundation in Victoria over the last 10 years. Beacon Foundation is an organisation that helps to inspire and motivate students to either stay in school and increase their educational engagement and attainment or choose a positive pathway that enables successful transition to employment.

Information on the Beacon Foundation website notes the following:  

Beacon, a national non-profit organisation working in 118 secondary schools across all Australian states and territories, believes every young Australian can develop an independent will to achieve personal success for themselves and their community.  Beacon's programs support young people to develop this focus through engaging and influencing the attitudes and behaviour of the broader community.  By harnessing community involvement, it works within schools to ensure young people are either earning or learning at vulnerable transition points in their lives.Since the first program in 1995, Beacon has worked with over 55,000 students. It focuses on students who are "falling between the cracks", typically from low socio economic status (Low SES) schools, by engaging the student in practical, solution focused programs that mobilise the school, parents and businesses in the community to create positive opportunities and knowledge for skills development.

We would encourage you to take a look at the Beacon Foundation website (

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