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Mow the Mo for Maroondah Hospital

Hutchinson Legal, solicitors in Ringwood, is hosting a fund-raising campaign during November to raise money for the Maroondah Hospital Emergency Department.  Staff from Hutchinson Legal will be sponsored to grow and then shave their moustaches and beards.  Some may even be tempted to dye their original moustache for the occasion.  At this stage staff from Quattro Hair Fashion in Eastland will donate their time and ensure that the shaving (and the dying) is performed professionally and appropriately.  'We are always keen to promote good local causes' said Martin Reilly of Hutchinson Legal.  'But in any event, many of our clients making applications to the Victims of Crime Tribunal use the valuable services of the Emergency Department so this is a way we can contribute to their on-going care'.  If you would like to participate in the campaign or be a sponsor please call Tristan at Hutchinson Legal on 9870 9870.  All donations will go to the hospital and are tax deductible.

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