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Supporting the Cyberknife Cancer Treatment Petition

Cyberknife is a new technology for the treatment of cancer. Currently available in twenty-six other countries around the world, its introduction in Australia could be significant in helping many in their fight against a terrible disease. Melbourne's leading cancer treatment hospital, the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, is pursuing the new technology. However, in addition to the treatment being available locally, it needs to receive Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) approval before it can be claimed under Medicare by cancer sufferers with limited resources of their own. Hutchinson Legal clients Keith and Jenny Slater are organising a petition to the Federal House of Representatives calling for the MSAC to hasten approval of Cyberknife technologies for the purposes of Medicare rebates and thereby assist thousands of cancer sufferers in Australia. Hutchinson Legal is proud to assist them in their efforts. If you would like to, please stop by our Ringwood office to sign the petition.

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